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We add a roof top AC unit

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Genie lift

I zip-tied a plywood platform to the Genie lift rails, then raised the AC unit to the platform with my Kubota loader

Genie lift raised to coach roof

Now the AC unit is at roof level

Genie lift from the roof

The 14" x 14" opening has been scraped with a razor and cleaned with acetone. We're ready to scoot the AC unit in place (use a thick blanket AND gloves)

Inside view - mounting frame is attached

The roof unit is in place, the mounting frame is bolted to the roof unit and the bolts tightened until the gasket is compressed to where the indicator tabs are touching the roof line

Install the duct collar

Install the duct collar next. Notice I added a little piece of blue flex conduit to keep the wire from rubbing against the frame

Ceiling assembly installed

Install the ceiling assembly - connect the 12/2 wire to the appropriate place in the ceiling assembly, plug in the wiring harness and screw the assembly to the metal mounting frame (line up/install the rear screws first, you can't see the forward ones.) It will be much easier if you have a helper for this step!

Trim the collar

Trim the duct collar, and peel the adhesive backer from the opening and stick the collar to the sticky tape. Install the filter covers

And we're finished!

All done! Enjoy

Jane enjoying the air conditioning with the critters

Satisfied customers!


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